As you prepare your future financial plans, please consider a gift to New Directions for Veterans (NDVets). There are many ways to contribute to the NDVets that offer substantial income and tax benefits. As you review the following ways to give, remember that our staff is here to provide you with the information you need to make the most of your charitable giving.
The simplest and fastest way to contribute to NDVets is to click below to make a secure online donation via your MasterCard, Visa or American Express. Alternatively, you may write a check to “New Directions for Veterans.” If you itemize, you receive a deduction based on the full value of your gift (up to 50% of your adjusted gross income).
Do you have stocks and bonds that have been held long-term (more than 18 months) and increased in value? Gifting them to NDVets in most cases offers you two benefits:
If your assets have decreased in value, you can sell them and donate the proceeds to NDVets to take a charitable deduction. The loss can be used to offset other gains. For more information about donating gifts of stock, please contact Leo Cuadrado at 310-497-4936 or lcuadrado@ndvets.org.
Our staff at NDVets can help you find a gift tailored to your needs. You can make a gift of cash, securities or real property, and receive a substantial charitable deduction this year and income payments for the rest of your life. If you do not use the full deduction this year, it can be carried forward for five years. We offer numerous giving plans that accomplish this, including a charitable gift annuity, a charitable remainder unitrust, or an annuity trust. As previously mentioned, these options offer you income for life and, if you wish, for the lifetime of a second beneficiary (such as your spouse). You can begin receiving income immediately, or, in some cases, defer it to a later date, perhaps when you are retired and are in a lower income tax bracket. More information.
You may use a gift of life insurance to make your gift to NDVets. If you name “New Directions for Veterans” as owner and beneficiary of an existing paid up policy, you receive a tax deduction for the policy’s “current cash value.” If the policy is not fully paid up, you receive a deduction for the approximate cash surrender value in the year the gift is made. In addition, future premium payments you make are fully deductible as a charitable contribution if you itemize. More information.
NDVets welcomes gifts of real estate either outright or through one of the planned giving options. If you own real estate, either land and/or a building that has appreciated in value thereby increasing your tax burden and other expenses, you may want to adopt this giving strategy. In addition, you can make a gift of your residence, vacation home or a farm, obtain a substantial tax deduction and, at the same time, retain the right for you and your spouse to live there during your lifetimes. More information.
For many individuals, a gift through your will may be the most practical way to make a significant contribution. This can be accomplished by a specific bequest of cash, securities or real property, or a share in the residue of your estate. You can also set up a trust through your will, which pays income to your spouse and/or children for their lifetimes. Upon termination of their life income interests, the remaining assets can be distributed to NDVets to be used for its general purpose or for an area of specific interest to you. More information.
NDVets offers many opportunities for companies to show their support for veterans in need, from making a direct contribution to rallying employees to support this vital cause. More information.
Thinking of selling or trading in an old car, truck, boat or RV? Why not donate it to NDVets instead? Not only can you receive a valuable a tax deduction, but your charitable contribution will make a big difference for the hundreds of homeless veterans we help each year. More information.